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The Baker Runtime

Baker provider several constructors to build a runtime to run your Recipes on. The current implementations are an in memory implementation and an Akka based implementation.

Akka Runtime

The Akka based implementation can be configured to run in local mode or in cluster mode. We advised to use the in memory Baker instead of the Akka Baker in local mode if you do not require state.

Baker.akka(config, actorSystem)

Note: We recommend reviewing also Akka configuration.

import com.typesafe.config.{Config, ConfigFactory}

val actorSystem: ActorSystem = ActorSystem("WebshopSystem")
val config: Config = ConfigFactory.load()

val baker: Baker = Baker.akka(config, actorSystem)
import com.typesafe.config.Config;
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory;

ActorSystem actorSystem = ActorSystem.create("WebshopSystem");
Config config = ConfigFactory.load();

Baker baker = Baker.akka(config, actorSystem);

This last code snippet will build a Baker runtime and load all configuration from your default application.conf located in the resources directory. You can see more about configuration on this section.

Alternatively there is a constructor that will provide the default configuration for a local mode Baker, this is recommended for tests.

val baker: Baker = AkkaBaker.localDefault(actorSystem)
Baker baker = AkkaBaker.javaLocalDefault(actorSystem);

Advantages of the Cluster Mode

The capabilities gained when in cluster mode are:

  • Elasticity: by adding/removing nodes to the cluster.
  • Resilience: RecipeInstances are automatically restored in a new node when the hosting node fails. (For this you need to configure a distributed data store like Cassandra)
  • Routing: You can fire EventInstances from anywhere on the cluster, and Baker will ensure that the corresponding RecipeInstance receives the firing event.

Note: To run on cluster mode you need to configure a distributed data store, we highly recommend using Cassandra.

InteractionInstance.from(object) (Reflection API)

As part of our efforts to ease the creation of InteractionInstances we created this function that uses the Scala and the Java reflection capabilities to create an InteractionInstance from an instance of a class.

The name of the InteractionInstance will be taken from the name of the implementing interface (Java) or trait (Scala) (it must match the name of the Interaction at the Recipe).

The interface MUST declare a public method called apply, and the types must match those of the expected provided ingredients.

Notice that his function might throw an exception if the instance is not correctly done (this is why in Scala the API is named "unsafe").


import scala.concurrent.Future

sealed trait ReserveItemsOutput
case class OrderHadUnavailableItems(unavailableItems: List[String]) extends ReserveItemsOutput
case class ItemsReserved(reservedItems: List[String]) extends ReserveItemsOutput

trait ReserveItems {

  def apply(orderId: String, items: List[String]): Future[ReserveItemsOutput]

class ReserveItemsInstance extends ReserveItems {

  override def apply(orderId: String, items: List[String]): Future[ReserveItemsOutput] = {

    // Http call to the Warehouse service
    val response: Future[Either[List[String], List[String]]] =
    // This is mocked for the sake of the example

    // Build an event instance that Baker understands {
      case Left(unavailableItems) =>
      case Right(reservedItems) =>

val reserveItemsInstance: InteractionInstance =
  InteractionInstance.unsafeFrom(new ReserveItemsInstance)

/** Java interface used for the Recipe */
public interface ReserveItems extends Interaction {

    interface ReserveItemsOutcome {}

    class OrderHadUnavailableItems implements ReserveItemsOutcome {

        public final List<String> unavailableItems;

        public OrderHadUnavailableItems(List<String> unavailableItems) {
            this.unavailableItems = unavailableItems;

    class ItemsReserved implements ReserveItemsOutcome {

        public final List<String> reservedItems;

        public ItemsReserved(List<String> reservedItems) {
            this.reservedItems = reservedItems;

    @FiresEvent(oneOf = {OrderHadUnavailableItems.class, ItemsReserved.class})
    ReserveItemsOutcome apply(@RequiresIngredient("orderId") String id, @RequiresIngredient("items") List<String> items);

/** Implementation of the interface used for creating an InteractionInstance */
public class ReserveItems implements JWebshopRecipe.ReserveItems {

    // The body of this method is going to be executed by the Baker runtime when the ingredients are available.
    public ReserveItemsOutcome apply(String id, List<String> items) {
        return new ReserveItems.ItemsReserved(items);

/** Create an InteractionInstance from an instance of the ReserveItems implementation */        
InteractionInstance reserveItemsInstance = InteractionInstance.from(new ReserveItems());


The Baker runtime requires you to add all InteractionInstances before adding any related CompiledRecipes. This can be done using the baker.addInteractionInstance(interactionInstance) or the baker.addInteractionInstances(intance1, instance2, ...) APIs.

Note: in Java the api returns a CompletableFuture<BoxedUnit>, this is because the API is implemented in Scala, so Scala's Unit get translated to BoxedUnit, but you should you ignore it and consider it as good as Java's void, except it comes in a CompletableFuture that will help you handle async programming.

val baker: Baker = AkkaBaker.localDefault(actorSystem)

val reserveItemsInstance: InteractionInstance = InteractionInstance.unsafeFrom(new ReserveItems())

val result: Future[Unit] = baker.addInteractionInstance(reserveItemsInstance)
Baker baker = AkkaBaker.javaLocalDefault(actorSystem);

InteractionInstance reserveItemsInstance = InteractionInstance.from(new ReserveItems());

CompletableFuture<BoxedUnit> = baker.addInteractionInstance(reserveItemsInstance);


Recipes once built must be converted into a data structure called CompiledRecipe that lets RecipeInstances to understand, store and run your process. These can be used to create a new RecipeInstance from a baker runtime that contains both a CompiledRecipe and the required InteractionInstances, or they can as well be converted into a visualization.


val compiledRecipe: CompiledRecipe = RecipeCompiler.compileRecipe(recipe)

CompiledRecipe compiledRecipe = RecipeCompiler.compileRecipe(recipe);


Once Recipes have been transformed into CompiledRecipes they must be added to a baker runtime. The baker.addRecipe(RecipeRecord.of(compiledRecipe)) API will do so and return an id that you can use to reference the added recipe later on.

Note: Before doing this, baker requires you to add all related InteractionInstances to the runtime, this is because baker does validation to ensure that every recipe is runnable from the previously added InteractionInstances.

val recipeId Future[String] = baker.addRecipe(RecipeRecord.of(compiledRecipe))
CompletableFuture<String> recipeId = baker.addRecipe(RecipeRecord.of(compiledRecipe));


The baker at runtime can give you a map of all the currently available recipes that has been previously added to Baker.

import scala.concurrent.Future

val allRecipes: Future[Map[String, RecipeInformation]] = baker.getAllRecipes
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import java.util.Map;

CompletableFuture<Map<String, RecipeInformation>> allRecipe = baker.getAllRecipes();

baker.bake(recipeId, recipeInstanceId)

Once the Baker runtime contains a CompiledRecipe and all the associated InteractionInstances then you can use the baker.bake(recipeId, recipeInstanceId) API to create a RecipeInstance that will contain the state of your process and execute any InteractionInstance as soon as all its required InteractionIngredients are available.

Note: This API requires you to choose a recipeInstanceId, the API does not provide one for you, this is so that you can manage this reference as required.

Note: in Java the api returns a CompletableFuture<BoxedUnit>, this is because the API is implemented in Scala, so Scala's Unit get translated to BoxedUnit, but you should you ignore it and consider it as good as Java's void, except it comes in a CompletableFuture that will help you handle async programming.

val program: Future[Unit] = for {
  _ <- baker.addInteractionInstance(interactionInstances)
  recipeId <- baker.addRecipe(RecipeRecord.of(compiledRecipe))
  recipeInstanceId = "my-id"
  _ <- baker.bake(recipeId, recipeInstanceId)
} yield ()
String recipeInstanceId = "my-id";
CompletableFuture<BoxedUnit> result = baker.addInteractionInstace(reserveItemsInstance)
    .thenCompose(ignore -> baker.addRecipe(RecipeRecord.of(compiledRecipe)))
    .thenCompose(recipeId -> baker.bake(recipeId, recipeInstanceId));


As part of our efforts to ease the creation of EventInstances, we added a function that uses Java and Scala reflection to create EventInstances from class objects.

The name of the EventInstance will be taken from the name of the class (Java) or case class (Scala) (it must match the name of the Event at the Recipe). And the argument names and types of the constructors will be translated to IngredientInstances with corresponding names and baker types.

Notice that this function might throw an exception if the event is not correctly done (this is why in Scala the API is named "unsafe").


case class OrderPlaced(orderId: String, items: List[String])

val firstOrderPlaced: EventInstance = 
    EventInstance.unsafeFrom(OrderPlaced("order-id", List("item1", "item2")))

class OrderPlaced {

    String orderId;
    List<String> items;

    public OrderPlaced(String orderId, List<String> items) {
        this.orderId = orderId;
        this.items = items;

EventInstance firstOrderPlaced =
    EventInstance.from(new JWebshopRecipe.OrderPlaced("order-uuid", items));

baker.fireEvent(recipeInstanceId, eventInstance)

After creation of a RecipeInstance, you use one of the variations of baker.fireEvent(recipeInstanceId, eventInstance) to fire your EventInstances and start/continue the process flow. There are several supported semantics for firing an event which depend on the moment you want to get notified and continue your asynchronous computation, these are the 4 different moments:

  1. When the event got accepted by the RecipeInstance but has not started cascading the execution of InteractionInstances. For this use the Baker.fireEventAndResolveWhenReceived(recipeInstanceId, eventInstance) API. This will return a Future[SensoryEventStatus] enum notifying of the outcome (the event might get rejected).

  2. When the event got accepted by the RecipeInstance and has finished cascading the execution of InteractionInstances up to the point that it requires more EventInstances (SensoryEvents) to continue, or the process has finished. For this use the Baker.fireEventAndResolveWhenCompleted(recipeInstanceId, eventInstance) API. This will return a Future[EventResult] object containing a SensoryEventStatus, the Event names that got fired in consequence of this SensoryEvent, and the current available Ingredients output of the InteractionInstances that got executed as consequence of the SensoryEvent.

  3. You want to do something on both of the previously mentioned moments, then use the Baker.fireEvent(recipeInstanceId, eventInstance) API, which will return an EventResolutions object which contains both Future[SensoryEventStatus] and Future[EventResult] (or its CompletableFuture<A> equivalents in Java).

  4. As soon as an intermediate Event fires from one of the InteractionInstances that execute as consequence of the fired SensoryEvent. For this use the Baker.fireEventAndResolveOnEvent(recipeInstanceId, eventInstance, onEventName) API. This will return a similar Future[EventResult to the one returned by Baker.fireEventAndResolveWhenCompleted except the data will be up to the moment the onEventName was fired.


Optionally you may provide a correlation id when firing a EventInstance. The purpose of this identifier is idempotent event delivery: when sending the same event correlation id multiple times, only the first will be processed.

This can be applied to the OrderPlaced event for example.

val correlationOrderId = "a unique order id"

for {
    statusA <- baker.processEventAndResolveWhenReceived(recipeInstanceId, orderPlacedEvent, correlationOrderId)
    _ = assert(statusA == Received)
    statusB <- baker.processEventAndResolveWhenReceived(recipeInstanceId, orderPlacedEvent, correlationOrderId)
    _ = assert(statusB == AlreadyReceived)
} yield ()
String correlationOrderId = "a unique order id";

SensoryEventStatus statusA = baker
    .processEventAndResolveWhenReceived(recipeInstanceId, orderPlacedEvent, correlationOrderId);
assert(statusA == Received);

SensoryEventStatus statusB = baker
    .processEventAndResolveWhenReceived(recipeInstanceId, orderPlacedEvent, correlationOrderId);
assert(statusB == AlreadyReceived);


Status Description
Received The event was received normally
AlreadyReceived An event with the same correlation id was already received
ProcessDeleted The process instance was deleted
ReceivePeriodExpired The receive period for the process instance has passed
FiringLimitMet The firing limit for the event was met


baker.getInteractionInstanceState(recipeInstanceId) will return an InteractionInstanceState object which contains all the event names with timestamps that have executed, and the current available provided ingredient data.


val state: Future[RecipeInstanceState] = baker.getRecipeInstanceState(recipeInstanceId)

CompletableFuture<RecipeInstanceState> state = baker.getRecipeInstanceState(recipeInstanceId);


Returns the recipeId, recipeInstanceId and creation timestamp of all running RecipeInstances.

Note: Can potentially return a partial result when baker runs in cluster mode because not all shards might be reached within the given timeout.

Note: Does not include deleted RecipeInstances.

baker.getVisualState(recipeInstanceId, style)

Another method of fetching state is the visual representation of it. You can do that with the Baker.getVisualState(recipeInstanceId) API. This will return a GraphViz string like the visualization api that you can convert into an image.

Here is a visualization of the state of another webshop example, one can clearly see that the process is flowing correctly without failures and that it is still waiting for the payment sensory event to be fired.

val state: Future[String] = baker.getVisualState(recipeInstanceId)
CompletableFuture<String> state = baker.getVisualState(recipeInstanceId);

baker.registerEventListener(recipeName, listenerFunction)

Registers a listener to all runtime events for this baker instance.

Note that: - The delivery guarantee is AT MOST ONCE. Practically this means you can miss events when the application terminates (unexpected or not). - The delivery is local (JVM) only, you will NOT receive events from other nodes when running in cluster mode.

Because of these constraints you should not use an event listener for critical functionality. Valid use cases might be: - logging - metrics - unit tests

baker.registerEventListener((recipeInstanceId: String, event: EventInstance) => {
  println(s"Recipe instance : $recipeInstanceId processed event ${}")
BiConsumer<String, EventInstance> handler = (String recipeInstanceId, EventInstance event) ->
    System.out.println("Recipe Instance " + recipeInstanceId + " processed event " +;



Registers a listener to all runtime BAKER events, these are events that notify what Baker is doing, like RecipeInstances received EventInstances or CompiledRecipes being added to baker.

Note that: - The delivery guarantee is AT MOST ONCE. Practically this means you can miss events when the application terminates (unexpected or not). - The delivery is local (JVM) only, you will NOT receive events from other nodes when running in cluster mode.

Because of these constraints you should not use an event listener for critical functionality. Valid use cases might be: - logging - metrics - unit tests


baker.registerBakerEventListener((event: BakerEvent) => {
  event match {
    case e: EventReceived => println(e)
    case e: EventRejected => println(e)
    case e: InteractionFailed => println(e)
    case e: InteractionStarted => println(e)
    case e: InteractionCompleted => println(e)
    case e: ProcessCreated => println(e)
    case e: RecipeAdded => println(e)

baker.registerBakerEventListener((BakerEvent event) -> System.out.println(event));

baker.retryInteraction(recipeInstanceId, interactionName)

It is possible that during the execution of a RecipeInstance it becomes blocked, this can happen either because it is directly blocked by an exception (and the FailureStrategy of the Interaction of the Recipe was set to block) or that the retry strategy was exhausted. At this point it is possible to resolve the blocked interaction in 2 ways. This one involves forcing another try, resulting either on a successful continued process, or again on a failed state, to check this you will need to request the state of the RecipeInstance again.

Note: this behaviour can be automatically preconfigured by using the RetryWithIncrementalBackoff FailureStrategy on the Interaction of the Recipe

val program: Future[Unit] = 
    baker.retryInteraction(recipeInstanceId, "ReserveItems")
CompletableFuture<BoxedUnit> program = 
    baker.retryInteraction(recipeInstanceId, "ReserveItems");

baker.resolveInteraction(recipeInstanceId, interactionName, event)

It is possible that during the execution of a RecipeInstance it becomes blocked, this can happen either because it is directly blocked by an exception or that the retry strategy was exhausted. At this point it is possible to resolve the blocked interaction in two ways. This one involves resolving the interaction with a chosen EventInstance to replace the one that would have had been computed by the InteractionInstance.

Note: this behaviour can be automatically preconfigured by using the FireEventAfterFailure(eventName) FailureStrategy on the Interaction of the Recipe

val program: Future[Unit] = 
    baker.resolveInteraction(recipeInstanceId, "ReserveItems", ItemsReserved(List("item1")))
CompletableFuture<BoxedUnit> program = 
    baker.resolveInteraction(recipeInstanceId, "ReserveItems", new ItemsReserved(List("item1")));

baker.stopRetryingInteraction(recipeInstanceId, interactionName)

If an Interaction is configured with a RetryWithIncrementalBackoff FailureStrategy then it will not stop retrying until you call this API or a successful outcome happens from the InteractionInstance.

val program: Future[Unit] = 
    baker.stopRetryingInteraction(recipeInstanceId, "ReserveItems")
CompletableFuture<BoxedUnit> program = 
    baker.stopRetryingInteraction(recipeInstanceId, "ReserveItems");