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doing workon

Create issue with PR and switch git branch.

doing workon [flags]

Example usage

doing workon "an issue"
doing workon "an issue" --type Bug
doing workon "an issue" --type 'User Story'
doing workon "an issue" --parent 12345
doing workon "an issue" --reviewers ""
doing workon "an issue" --no-auto-complete --no-draft --self-approve
doing workon "an issue" --story-points 3
doing workon "an issue" --default-branch develop
doing workon "an issue" --branch-prefix "fix/"


Usage: doing workon [OPTIONS] ISSUE

  Create issue with PR and switch git branch.

  Create self-assigned issue, draft pull request and switch git branch all in
  one go.

  ISSUE is the title to be used for the new work item.

  --type [Bug|Epic|Feature|Issue|Task|Test Case|User Story]
                                  Type of work item. Defaults to "User Story"
                                  [env var: DOING_WORKON_TYPE]
  -l, --label TEXT                Attach tags (labels) to work item. Comma
                                  separate multiple tags.  [env var:
  -p, --parent TEXT               To create a child work item, specify the ID
                                  of the parent work item.  [env var:
  -r, --reviewers TEXT            Space separated list of reviewer emails.
                                  Defaults to ""  [env var:
  --draft / --no-draft            Create draft/WIP pull request. Reviewers
                                  will not be notified until you publish.
                                  Default is --draft.  [env var:
  --auto-complete / --no-auto-complete
                                  Set the PR to complete autom. when all
                                  policies have passed. Default is --auto-
                                  complete.  [env var:
  --self-approve / --no-self-approve
                                  Add yourself as reviewer and add your
                                  approval. Default is --no-self-approve.
                                  [env var: DOING_WORKON_SELF_APPROVE]
  --checkout / --no-checkout      Run git commands to checkout remote branch
                                  locally. Default is --checkout.  [env var:
  --delete-source-branch / --no-delete-source-branch
                                  Set to delete source branch when pull
                                  request completes. Default is --delete-
                                  source-branch.  [env var:
  -s, --story-points TEXT         The number of story points to assign. Not
                                  assigned if not specified.  [env var:
  -b, --default-branch TEXT       The name of the branch to branch from and
                                  to. It overrides the repository's default
                                  branch.  [env var:
  --branch-prefix TEXT            The prefix to be prepended to the branch
                                  name. Defaults to ""  [env var:
  --add-to-current-sprint / --do-not-add-to-current-sprint
                                  If the item needs to be added to the current
                                  sprint. Defaults to false  [env var:
  --help                          Show this message and exit.