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Customization & Source Code Maintenance


The framework mostly covers all the functions under the predefined list of available actions. But some times your scenario might demand a new action or utility to be implemented, for example performing PDF or Excel validation. This can be done by creating your own custom method.


For your Custom Methods to appear in the INGenious IDE and available for auto-suggestion :

  • Custom Methods should be public.

  • The return type of Custom Methods should be void.

  • Custom Methods should not contain parameters (use Data or Input or Condition variable for fetching data from the test case).

  • Custom Method should contain the @Action annotation in order for it to get auto-suggested in the INGenious IDE.

  • Ensure that you import all the jars mentioned below, in your java file containing the Custom Method.

import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
  • The java class file containing the Custom Method should always have a constructor as shown below, since it must extend the General class.
public class SampleScript extends General {
    public SampleScript(CommandControl cc) {

    @Action(object = ObjectType.BROWSER, desc = "<Description of the Method>", input = InputType.YES)
    public void customfunction() {
        try {

            // Here in goes the logic of the method 

        } catch (Exception ex) {
            Logger.getLogger(this.getClass().getName()).log(Level.OFF, null, ex);



To display the status of the custom action in the report, you can use the function Report.updateTestLog as described below.

Report.updateTestLog("Userdefined Action", "Operation Done successfully", Status.PASS);

// Possible Statuses are Status.PASS, Status.PASSNS, Status.FAIL, Status.FAILNS, Status.DONE, Status.DEBUG, Status.WARNING,Status.SCREENSHOT
// NS = No Screenshot

To display with custom html tags in the report, use the following,

Report.updateTestLog("Userdefined Action", "#CTAG &lt;b&gt; Operation Done successfully&lt;b&gt;;", Status.PASS);

External Libraries

Adding External Libraries

  • Create your custom method that uses external jar(s) apart from the existing set of libraries under the lib folder.

  • Add your external maven dependencies to the POM file.

  • Always ensure that your custom method is working fine from your source code before introducing it in to the framework

  • Run mvn install to build the output jar

Globally Exposed Variables you can use in your Custom Method

Globally Exposed Variables

Following variables are defined internally and can be used in your custom method for deriving various kinds of information like the action in execution or the value stored under the Input column and etc. Given below is the description about each of the variable or keyword on the basis of it's functionality and usage.



  • Type : Playwright
  • Description : This variable will store the instance of the Playwright for the current execution. Hence you can perform all the Playwright related functions using this.

Usage :




  • Type : Page
  • Description : This variable will store the instance of the Page for the current execution. Hence you can perform all the Page related functions using this.

Usage :




  • Type : BrowserContext
  • Description : This variable will store the instance of the BrowserContext for the current execution. Hence you can perform all the BrowserContext related functions using this.

Usage :




  • Type : Locator
  • Description : This variable corresponds to the Web Object used under the ObjectName column of your currently executing test step. If there is no Object used in the ObjectName column of your Test step, then this variable will be Null. You can perform all WebElement related functions using this variable like for instance.

Usage :




  • Type : String

  • Description :This variable stores the resolved data from the Input Column of the current test step in execution. That means if the step is being fed a data from the datasheet like SheetName:ColumnName or variable like %var% or hardcoded as @data, the Data variable will hold the actual value inside.

Usage :

System.out.println(Data + "Resolved Input used in InputColumn in the currentTestStep");



  • Type : String
  • Description : This variable stores the visible text/string in the Input Column of the current test step in execution. That means if the step is being fed a data from the datasheet like SheetName:ColumnName or variable like %var% or hardcoded as @data, the Input variable will hold the values as SheetName:ColumnName, %var% and @data respectivey

Usage :

System.out.println(Input + "Input used in InputColumn in the currentTestStep");



  • Type : String
  • Description : This variable stores the description present in the description column of the current test step.

Usage :

System.out.println(Description + "Description used in DescriptionColumn in the currentTestStep");



  • Type : String
  • Description : This variable stores the name of the action used in the Action column of the current test step.

Usage :

System.out.println(Action + "Action/Command used in ActionColumn in the currentTestStep");



  • Type : String
  • Description : TThis variable stores the Name of the Page given under the Reference column of the current test step in execution. This Name of the Page is actually defined in the Object Repository.

Usage :

System.out.println(Reference + "Reference/PageName used in ReferenceColumn in the currentTestStep");

Execute A Specific Test Case From Custom Method

Execute Test Case from Code

There is an inbuilt method available called executeTestCase, which can be used to execute a particular test case under a particular scenario.

public void executeTestCase(String scenarioName, String testCaseName);
public void executeTestCase(String scenarioName, String testCaseName, int subIteration);

The above method will execute the test case under the particular scenario and for that particular subiteration.

Execute An Action From Custom Method

Execute Action from Code

A method called executeMethod is available with the Engine and is overloaded in 4 different ways as follows. The name of the Action to be executed, should be passed as an argument and must be same as the action in the Engine.

public void executeMethod(WebElement element, String Action);
Using this function you can provide the element and the action name, in the argument list, to execute the action on the element passed. For example,

executeMethod(element, "Click");
public void executeMethod(String Action, String Input);

Using this function you can execute the action on the current element which also requires the information under the Input column or some String information that can be given directly.

For example:

executeMethod("Open", "@http://something");
executeMethod("Open", input);
public void executeMethod(WebElement element, String Action, String Input);

Using this function you can execute the action on the supplied element which requires the information under the Input column or some String information that can be given directly.

For example:

executeMethod(element, "Set", input);

public void executeMethod(String Action);
This will just call the method of the action that was instructed.

Any of these overloaded methods can be used that suits your requirements best.

Another method to call an action without using the executeMethod function is to go with the code described below, Here, we have to set the Data variable for the current step and call the Set action for execution.

getCommander().Data = "guest";//This line will assign a value to the Data variable used in the current test step.
new Basic(getCommander()).Set();//This line will call the Set action under the Basic java class file.

Another example of using the getCommander() function to call an action is as follows.Here the method containing the definition for the action assertElementNotDisplayed is available under the AssertElement java class file.

new AssertElement(getCommander()).assertElementNotDisplayed();//This line will just make a call to the action "assertlementNotDisplayed"

Access An Object From Object Repository

Access Object from OR

It is possible to access a specific object from the object repository using the function AObject.findElement as shown below.

Locator locator = AObject.findElement(ObjectName, Reference);

Now all element related functions can be used for this element variable like;


It is also possible to use conditioned find method.Suppose you want to find an object on a web page using a particular property,obtained from the stored set of object properties in the Object Repository (OR), then you can use the following function.

Locator locator = AObject.findElement("p", "Yahoo", ObjectProperty.Id);

In the example below, a list of objects so obtained can be accessed by storing them in an ArrayList.

List <Locator> locatorList= AObject.findElements("p", "Yahoo", ObjectProperty.ClassName);

In the above example object p under the page with name Yahoo (from the object repository) is found on the web page by using the Id property.

If-Else or other Conditions Inside A Custom Method

If-Else/Conditional statement

It is possible to write a custom function, that checks for a condition and if the condition passes it will execute a set of code and if it fails then it will execute a different set of code.The custom method example handleCondition defined below, will check if the element is displayed and if so, it will execute the test case cancelTicket but if it is not displayed then it will just update the report with a DONE status.

public void handleCondition() throws FrameworkException {

    // No argument should be given here. Only then will this function be executed

    //Step 1: Getting object from the object repository
    Locator locator = AObject.findElement("ObjectName", "PageName");

    //Step 2: Base the condition on object being displayed or not
    if (locator.isVisible()) {

        //Calling another test case if the condition is matched

        //Pass the Scenario name,Test case name and sub-iteration index
        executeTestCase("testscenario1", "cancelTicket", 1);
        Report.updateTestLog("Userdefined Action ", "inside reusable", Status.PASS);

        //If needed you can break the test case also by calling existing functions

    } else {

        Report.updateTestLog("Userdefined Action ", "switch to origional", Status.DONE);


Access Test Data Sheet In Custom Method

Access Data Sheet from Code

Local Data Sheet

Local Data Sheet

Get Data


There are functions to access the data from the datasheet. The getData function is overloaded in the following ways and can be used accordingly in your custom method.

public String getData(String DataSheetName, String ColumnName);

Provide the name of the data sheet (Sample) and column (Data1) that contains the data and this function will return a string which is the value of the required data. For instance:

String input = userData.getData("Sample", "Data1");
public String getData(String DataSheetName, String ColumnName, String Iteration, String SubIteration);

Provide the sheet name, column, iteration and subiteration values if you want to be specific, as shown in the example below;

String input = userData.getData("Sample", "Data1", "1", "1");
Here the data stored in the sheet Sample, under the column Data1 having the subiteration and iteration value as 1, is stored in the input string variable. Another way is to provide all the information as given above in the argument list and also include the scenario and test case name.

public String getData(String DataSheetName, String ColumnName, String ScenarioName,String TestCase, String Iteration, String SubIteration);
Example :
String input = userData.getData("Sample", "Data1", "scenario","testcase", "1", "1");

In the example above the data stored in the sheet Sample under the column Data1 and belonging to the testcase named testcase and scenario named scenario having the iteration and subiteration value as 1, is stored in input string.

Put Data


It is also possible to write to the data sheet using "putData". The putData() function is overloaded in the following ways,

userData.putData("DatasheetName", "ColumnName", "value to be written");

userData.putData("Sample", "Data1", "John Doe");

where Sample is the datasheet name, Data1 is the column name and John Doe is the value to be written under the respective column.

You can also provide the iteration and subiteration values in the argument list.

userData.putData("DatasheetName", "ColumnName", "value to be written", "Iterationvalue", "SubIteration value");
An example for this is,

userData.putData("Sample", "Data1", "John Doe", "1", "1");

where Sample is the datasheet name, Data1 is the column name and John Doe is the value to be written under the respective column for the iteration value of 1 and subiteration value of 1.

Apart from the information above you can also include the test case and scenario name as shown below,

userData.putData("DatasheetName","columnName","value to be written","scenario name","test case name","Iteration value","SubIteration value");

An example for the above scenario is shown below,

userData.putData("Sample", "Data1", "John Doe", "scenario", "testcase", "1", "1");

where Sample is the datasheet name, Data1 is the column name, testcase is the testcase name,scenario is the scenario name and John Doe is the value to be written under the respective column for the iteration and subiteration value of 1.

Global Data Sheet

Global Data Sheet

To access a global data sheet from the custom method to read a global data value, use the method below :

userData.getGlobalData(globalDataID, columnName);
String datavalue = userData.getGlobalData("Glob1", "username");

To write or update a global data sheet, call the method below in your custom method,

userData.putGlobalData(globalDataID, columnName, value);
userData.putGlobalData("Glob1", "username", "LukeSkywalker");

Test Data Model


As an alternative, you can use the following code to access the data sheet by its name and update the same, traversing through every record in the test data sheet.

TestDataModel tdModel = Control.getCurrentProject().getTestData().getTestDataByName("TestDataSheetName");
int rowsCount = tdModel.getRowCount();
for (int row = 0; row < tdModel.getRowCount(); row++) {

    // Where orderId is a column in my data sheet
    int colIndex = tdModel.getColumnIndex("orderId");

    //To get value
    String orderId = (String) tdModel.getValueAt(row, colIndex);

    // To put values in to the sheet
    tdModel.setValueAt("New Value", row, colIndex);

Stop Current Execution/Iteration Based On A Condition

Stop Current Execution

The following code can be used to stop the current iteration based on a condition.

Boolean something = false;
if (something) {
    SystemDefaults.stopCurrentIteration.set(true);//Stop the iteration

The following code can be used to stop the current execution based on a condition.

Boolean something = false;
if (something) {
    SystemDefaults.stopExecution.set(true);//Stop the execution

Get Iteration/Subiteration Value Of The Current TestStep

Get Iteration/Subiteration

It is possible to get the value of current iteration using the function "getIteration"

String iterationValue=userData.getIteration();

This function returns a string value containing the Iteration number of the current iteration.

It is also possible to get the value of current subiteration using the function getSubIteration

String subiterationValue=userData.getSubIteration();

This function returns a string value containing the Subiteration number of the current sub iteration that is in execution.

Get Current Scenario/TestCase

Get Current Scenario/TestCase

The getScenario function returns a string value containing the name of the current scenario that is in execution.

String scenarioName=userData.getScenario();

The getCurrentScenario function returns a string value containing the name of the current Reusable scenario that is in execution.

String reusableScenarioName=userData.getCurrentScenario();

The getTestCase function returns a string value containing the name of the current test case in execution.

String testcaseName= userData.getTestCase();

The getCurrentTestCase function returns a string value containing the name of the current Reusable test case in execution.

String testcaseName= userData.getCurrentTestCase();

Get ObjectRepository Properties Of WebElement

Get ObjectRepository Properties

It is possible to access the specific property of an element stored in the Object Repository using the function AObject.getObjectProperty() described below.

String prop = AObject.getObjectProperty("pageName", "objectName", ObjectProperty.Id);

In the above scenario, pass the name of the page (under which the object is present in the Object Repository), objectName and object property that you want to access. You can also use the following method to get the particular property of the object from the OR.

String prop = AObject.getWebObject("pageName", "objectName").getId();
prop = AObject.getWebObject(Reference, ObjectName).getAttributeByName(ObjectProperty.Id); //to get current step object's Id property

Add Value To A Variable

Add Value To A Variable

Suppose you want to create a variable and define a value to it, you can go for addVar(arg1,arg2) function or addGlobalVar(arg1,arg2) methods.

The addVar(arg1,arg2) function takes the variable name and it's value as parameters and is defined under the java file as shown below,

public void addVar(String key, String val) {
Commander.addVar(key, val);

This method can be used as shown below:

addVar("%nameVar%", "LukeSkywalker");

The scope of this variable is only till the end of the execution of the test case in which it is defined.

The addGlobalVar(arg1,arg2) function is used to add a value to a variable whose scope is till the end of the execution of the testset i.e. till the end of execution of the last test case under the test set. This function can be used in your custom code as shown below:

addGlobalVar("%nameVar%", "LukeSkywalker");

This function is defined as shown below under the java file.

public void addGlobalVar(String key, String val) {
    if (key.matches("%.*%")) {
    key = key.substring(1, key.length() - 1);
    Commander.putUserDefinedData(key, val);

Access A Variable's Value In Custom Method

Access A Variable

The value of a variable created in your test case can be accessed using the function getVar which is defined, as shown below, under the java file.

public String getVar(String key) {
    return Commander.getVar(key);
This function can be used,as shown below, in your custom method.

Provide the variable name between two percentage symbols(%%)

String value = getVar("%newVar%");
Suppose you have defined some variables in the userdefined tab of the Settings window, which can be opened by navigating through Run Settings icon >> UserDefined Tab, then you can access them in your custom method in two ways :

String value;
value = getVar("%userdefinedVar%");
value = getVar("userdefinedVar");//This also will work
String value = getUserDefinedData("userdefinedVar");

Sample Custom Method

Sample Custom Method

For creating any Custom Method, a java class is required. The following sample code can be used for understanding the usage of various variables and functions that you can access in your custom method.


import java.util.List;

//extend Command to access elements

public class SampleScript extends General {

    public SampleScript(CommandControl cc) {

    public void textExe() {
        Report.updateTestLog(Action, "textExe", Status.DONE);
        executeTestCase("testWeb", "search");

    @Action(object = ObjectType.BROWSER, desc = "open given url", input = InputType.YES)
    public void prinThis(){  // (1)!
        try {

  ; // (2)!
            System.out.println(ObjectName + "ObjectName used in ObjectColumn in the currentTestStep");
            System.out.println(Description + "Description used in DescriptionColumn in the currentTestStep");
            System.out.println(Action + "Action/Command used in ActionColumn in the currentTestStep");
            System.out.println(Input + "Input used in InputColumn in the currentTestStep");
            System.out.println(Data + "Resolved Input used in InputColumn in the currentTestStep");
            System.out.println(Reference + "Reference/PageName used in ReferenceColumn in the currentTestStep");

            System.out.println(getCurrentBrowserName() + "To get the current browserName");

            String value = getVar("%newVar%"); //(3)!

            value = getVar("%userdefinedVar%"); //(4)!
            value = getVar("userdefinedVar"); //This also will work

            value = getUserDefinedData("userdefinedVar"); //(5)!

            addVar("%dyanmicVar%", "Value to be Stored"); //(6)!
            addGlobalVar("%dyanmicVar%", "Value to be Stored"); //(7)!

            AObject.findElement(ObjectName, Reference); 
            AObject.findElements(ObjectName, Reference); // (8)!

            Locator locator = AObject.findElement("p", "Yahoo"); //(9)!
            List<Locator>locatorList = AObject.findElements("p", "Yahoo");                
            System.out.println("No of locators" + locatorList.size());

            locator.fill("Normal"); //(10)!

            String input_text = userData.getData("Sample", "Data1"); //(11)!
            input_text = userData.getData("Sample", "Data1", "1", "1"); //(12)!
            input_text = userData.getData("Sample", "Data1", "scenario","testcase", "1", "1"); //(13)!

            userData.putData("Sample", "Data1", "John Doe"); //(14)!
            userData.putData("Sample", "Data1", "John Doe", "1", "1"); //(15)!
            userData.putData("Sample", "Data1", "John Doe", "scenario", "testcase", "1", "1"); //(16)!

            TestDataModel tdModel = Control.getCurrentProject().getTestData().getTestDataByName("TestDatasheetName");
            int rowsCount = tdModel.getRowCount();
            for (int row = 0; row < tdModel.getRowCount(); row++) {

                int colIndex = tdModel.getColumnIndex("orderId"); // (17)!                    
                String orderId = (String) tdModel.getValueAt(row, colIndex);// (18)!               
                tdModel.setValueAt("New Value", row, colIndex); //(19)! 

            Report.updateTestLog("Userdefined Action ", "Operation Done successfully", Status.PASS); //(20)!
            Report.updateTestLog("Userdefined Action ", "#CTAG<b>Operation Done successfully<b>", Status.PASS); //(21)!

            userData.getIteration(); //(22)!
            userData.getSubIteration(); //(23)!
            userData.getScenario(); //(24)!
            userData.getTestCase(); //(25)!
            System.out.println(getCurrentBrowserName()); //(26)!

            Boolean something = false;
            if (something) {

                SystemDefaults.stopCurrentIteration.set(true); // (27)! 
                SystemDefaults.stopExecution.set(true); // (28)!


            executeMethod(locator, "Click");
            executeMethod("Open", "@http://something");
            executeMethod("Open", input);
            executeMethod(locator, "Fill", input);

            executeTestCase("OnlineShopping", "BuyProduct", 2); //(29)!
            executeTestCase("OnlineShopping", "BuyProduct");   //(30)!

        } catch (Exception ex) {
            Logger.getLogger(this.getClass().getName()).log(Level.OFF, null, ex);


    public void handleCondition() throws UnCaughtException {            
        Locator locator = AObject.findElement("ObjectName", "PageName");
        if (locator.isVisible()) { // (31)!

            executeTestCase("testscenario1", "cancelTicket", 1); //(32)!
            Report.updateTestLog("Userdefined Action ", "inside reusable", Status.PASS);
            executeMethod("StopBrowser"); //(33)!
        } else {
            Report.updateTestLog("Userdefined Action ", "switch to origional", Status.DONE);
  1. No argument should be specifed. Only then will your custom method be executed.
    To do any operation before and/or after execution of each Step, add your desired code to functions beforeStepExecution / afterStepExecution in inside package.
    To do any operation after execution [execution is finished] add your code to afterReportComplete function in inside package.

  2. Object in ObjectName is resolved as Playwright Locator and assigned to this variable Locator

  3. If you store some dynamic value in a variable %newVar% you can get the value from the variable using getVar()

  4. getVar() can also be used to fetch user defined data created from UserDefined Settings panel

  5. In addition to getVar(), you can also use getUserDefined() to fetch user defined data created from UserDefined Settings panel

  6. If you want to store some value in a variable[%dyanmicVar%] you can store the value into a variable using addVar(). The scope is for Current Testcase only

  7. Unlike addVar(), the scope for addGlobalVar() is for All Testcases in the Current Execution

  8. To find the current step's object

  9. To access the object value pass ObjectName and PageName as inputs.

    ObjectName = p

    PageName = Yahoo

  10. Using this locator you can perform Playwright Operations

  11. To access the data from DataSheets pass DataSheetName and ColumnName as inputs.

    SheetName = Sample, Columnname = Data1

    ⚠ Don't pass GlobalData as inputsheet

  12. To get values from specified Iteration and Subiteration

  13. To get values from specified Scenario, Testcase, Iteration and Subiteration
  14. To write values into DataSheet pass DataSheetName and ColumnName as inputs.

    SheetName = Sample, Columnname = Data1, Data = "John Doe"

    ⚠ Don't pass GlobalData as inputsheet

  15. To write values for specified Iteration and Subiteration

  16. To write values for specified Scenario, Testcase, Iteration and Subiteration
  17. Where orderId is a column in the data sheet
  18. To get value
  19. To put values in the sheet
  20. To display in Report
  21. To display in Report with custom html tags
  22. To get the current Iteration
  23. To get the current SubIteration
  24. To get the current Scenario
  25. To get the current Testcase
  26. To get the current BrowserName
  27. To stop the current iteration if you want to... based on a condition
  28. Stop the execution
  29. To execute other testcases - scenario name, testcase name, subiteration
  30. scenario name, testcase name
  31. Basing the condition on a web locator being visible
  32. Calling another test case if the condition is matched

    Pass the Scenario name, Testcase name and Subiteration index

  33. If needed you can break the test case also by calling existing function StopBrowser