Mobile Actions
Description: This function is used to tap the element.
ObjectName | Action | Input | Condition | Reference |
APP | Tap |
Description: This function will tap the element if it exists.
ObjectName | Action | Input | Condition | Reference |
APP | TapIfExists |
Description: This function will tap the element if it is displayed.
ObjectName | Action | Input | Condition | Reference |
APP | TapIfVisible |
@Action(object = ObjectType.APP, desc = "Tap the [<Object>] if it is displayed")
public void TapIfVisible() {
if (Element != null) {
if (Element.isDisplayed()) {
} else {
Report.updateTestLog(Action, "Element [" + ObjectName + "] not Visible", Status.DONE);
} else {
Report.updateTestLog(Action, "Element [" + ObjectName + "] not Exists", Status.DONE);
Description: This function is used to submit action on the browser.
ObjectName | Action | Input | Condition | Reference |
APP | Submit |
@Action(object = ObjectType.APP, desc = "Submit action on the browser")
public void Submit() {
if (elementEnabled()) {
Report.updateTestLog(Action, "[" + ObjectName + "] Submitted successfully ", Status.DONE);
} else {
throw new ElementException(ExceptionType.Element_Not_Enabled, ObjectName);
Description: This function is used to submit the element if it exists.
ObjectName | Action | Input | Condition | Reference |
APP | SubmitIfExists |
Description: This function is used to set the value.
Input Format : @Expected Text
ObjectName | Action | Input | Condition | Reference | |
APP | Set |
@value | |||
APP | Set |
Sheet:Column | |||
APP | Set |
%dynamicVar% |
@Action(object = ObjectType.APP, desc = "Enter the value [<Data>] in the Field [<Object>]", input = InputType.YES)
public void Set() {
if (elementEnabled()) {
Report.updateTestLog(Action, "Entered Text '" + Data + "' on '"
+ ObjectName + "'", Status.DONE);
} else {
throw new ElementException(ExceptionType.Element_Not_Enabled, ObjectName);
Description: This function is used to set the value if the element exists.
Input Format : @Expected Text
ObjectName | Action | Input | Condition | Reference | |
APP | SetIfExists |
@value | |||
APP | SetIfExists |
Sheet:Column | |||
APP | SetIfExists |
%dynamicVar% |
Description: This function is used to set the value and check the expected text matches with element value.
Input Format : @Expected Text
ObjectName | Action | Input | Condition | Reference | |
APP | SetAndCheck |
@value | |||
APP | SetAndCheck |
Sheet:Column | |||
APP | SetAndCheck |
%dynamicVar% |
@Action(object = ObjectType.APP, desc = "Enter the value [<Data>] in the Field [<Object>] and check [<Data>] matches with [<Object>] value", input = InputType.YES)
public void SetAndCheck() {
if (elementEnabled()) {
if (Element.getAttribute("value").equals(Data)) {
Report.updateTestLog("Set", "Entered Text '" + Data + "' on '"
+ ObjectName + "'", Status.DONE);
} else {
Report.updateTestLog("Set", "Unable Enter Text '" + Data
+ "' on '" + ObjectName + "'", Status.FAIL);
} else {
throw new ElementException(ExceptionType.Element_Not_Enabled, ObjectName);
Description: This function is used to clear text from the element.
ObjectName | Action | Input | Condition | Reference |
APP | clear |
@Action(object = ObjectType.APP, desc = "Clear text [<Data>] from object [<Object>].")
public void clear() {
if (elementEnabled()) {
Report.updateTestLog("Clear", "Cleared Text on '" + ObjectName + "'", Status.DONE);
} else {
throw new ElementException(ExceptionType.Element_Not_Enabled, ObjectName);
Description: This function is used to set an encrypted data to an element.
Input Format : @Expected encrypted text
ObjectName | Action | Input | Condition | Reference | |
APP | setEncrypted |
@value | |||
APP | setEncrypted |
Sheet:Column | |||
APP | setEncrypted |
%dynamicVar% |
@Action(object = ObjectType.APP, desc = "Enter the Decrypted value [<Data>] in the Field [<Object>]", input = InputType.YES)
public void setEncrypted() {
if (Data != null && Data.matches(".* Enc")) {
if (elementEnabled()) {
try {
Data = Data.substring(0, Data.lastIndexOf(" Enc"));
byte[] valueDecoded = Encryption.getInstance().decrypt(Data).getBytes();
Element.sendKeys(new String(valueDecoded));
Report.updateTestLog(Action, "Entered Encrypted Text " + Data + " on " + ObjectName, Status.DONE);
} catch (Exception ex) {
Report.updateTestLog("setEncrypted", ex.getMessage(), Status.FAIL);
Logger.getLogger(Basic.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
} else {
throw new ElementException(ExceptionType.Element_Not_Enabled, ObjectName);
} else {
Report.updateTestLog(Action, "Data not encrypted '" + Data + "'", Status.DEBUG);
Description: This function is used to move the browser view to the specified element.
ObjectName | Action | Input | Condition | Reference |
APP | moveTo |
@Action(object = ObjectType.APP,
desc = "Move the Browser View to the specified element [<Object>]")
public void moveTo() {
if (elementDisplayed()) {
if (Data != null && Data.matches("(\\d)+,(\\d)+")) {
int x = Integer.valueOf(Data.split(",")[0]);
int y = Integer.valueOf(Data.split(",")[1]);
new Actions(mDriver).moveToElement(Element, x, y).build().perform();
} else {
new Actions(mDriver).moveToElement(Element).build().perform();
Report.updateTestLog(Action, "Viewport moved to" + ObjectName, Status.DONE);
} else {
throw new ElementException(ExceptionType.Element_Not_Visible, ObjectName);
Description: This function is used to change the wait time by the expected input in seconds.
Input Format : @Expected time in seconds
ObjectName | Action | Input | Condition | Reference | |
MOBILE | changeWaitTime |
@value | |||
MOBILE | changeWaitTime |
Sheet:Column | |||
MOBILE | changeWaitTime |
%dynamicVar% |
@Action(object = ObjectType.MOBILE, desc = "changing wait time by [<Data>] seconds", input = InputType.YES)
public void changeWaitTime() {
try {
Duration t = Duration.ofSeconds(Integer.parseInt(Data));
if (Integer.parseInt(Data) > 0) {
SystemDefaults.waitTime = t;
Report.updateTestLog("changeWaitTime", "Wait time changed to "
+ Data + " second/s", Status.DONE);
} else {
"Couldn't change Wait time (invalid input)",
} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
"Couldn't change Wait time ", Status.DEBUG);
Logger.getLogger(Basic.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
Description: This function is used to change default element finding wait time by input data in seconds
Input Format : @Expected data in seconds
ObjectName | Action | Input | Condition | Reference | |
MOBILE | setElementTimeOut |
@value | |||
MOBILE | setElementTimeOut |
Sheet:Column | |||
MOBILE | setElementTimeOut |
%dynamicVar% |
@Action(object = ObjectType.MOBILE,
desc = "Change Default Element finding wait time by [<Data>] seconds",
input = InputType.YES)
public void setElementTimeOut() {
if (Data != null && Data.matches("[0-9]+")) {
SystemDefaults.elementWaitTime = Duration.ofSeconds(Integer.valueOf(Data));
Report.updateTestLog(Action, "Element Wait time changed to "
+ Data + " second/s", Status.DONE);
} else {
"Couldn't change Element Wait time (invalid input) " + Data,