ByLabel Actions
Description: This function will navigate to previous page.
ObjectName | Action | Input | Condition | Reference |
APP | back |
@Action(object = ObjectType.MOBILE, desc = "Navigate to previous page")
public void back() {
try {
Report.updateTestLog("back", "Navigate page back is success", Status.DONE);
} catch (WebDriverException e) {
Report.updateTestLog("back", e.getMessage(), Status.FAIL);
Logger.getLogger(CommonMethods.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, e);
Description: This function is used to perform drag and drop operation on an element.
Input Format : @Expected Text
ObjectName | Action | Input | Condition | Reference | |
APP | dragToAndDropElement |
@value | |||
APP | dragToAndDropElement |
Sheet:Column | |||
APP | dragToAndDropElement |
%dynamicVar% |
@Action(object = ObjectType.APP, desc = "drag and drop operation of ", input = InputType.YES)
public void dragToAndDropElement() {
try {
String Page = Data.split(":", 2)[0];
String Object = Data.split(":", 2)[1];
if (elementPresent()) {
WebElement DropElement = mObject.findElement(Object, Page);
if (DropElement != null) {
new Actions(mDriver).dragAndDrop(Element, DropElement).build().perform();
"'" + ObjectName + "' has been dragged and dropped to '" + Object + "'", Status.PASS);
} else {
throw new ElementException(ElementException.ExceptionType.Element_Not_Found, Object);
} else {
throw new ElementException(ElementException.ExceptionType.Element_Not_Found, ObjectName);
} catch (Exception e) {
Report.updateTestLog(Action, e.getMessage(), Status.FAIL);
Logger.getLogger(CommonMethods.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage(), e);
Description: This function is used to perform mouse hover operation on an element.
ObjectName | Action | Input | Condition | Reference |
APP | mouseOverElement |
@Action(object = ObjectType.APP, desc = "Hover over the [<Object>] element")
public void mouseOverElement() {
if (elementPresent()) {
new Actions(mDriver).moveToElement(Element).build().perform();
Report.updateTestLog(Action, "Mouse Over to Element '" + ObjectName, Status.DONE);
} else {
throw new ElementException(ElementException.ExceptionType.Element_Not_Found, ObjectName);
Description: This function is used to perform tap and hold operation on an element.
ObjectName | Action | Input | Condition | Reference |
APP | TapAndHoldElement |
@Action(object = ObjectType.APP, desc = "Tap and hold the [<Object>] element ")
public void TapAndHoldElement() {
if (elementEnabled()) {
new Actions(mDriver).clickAndHold(Element).build().perform();
Report.updateTestLog(Action, "Tap and hold done", Status.DONE);
} else {
throw new ElementException(ElementException.ExceptionType.Element_Not_Enabled, ObjectName);
Description: This function is used to perform release operation on an element.
ObjectName | Action | Input | Condition | Reference |
APP | releaseElement |
@Action(object = ObjectType.APP, desc = "Release the dragged element over the [<Object>] element ")
public void releaseElement() {
if (elementEnabled()) {
new Actions(mDriver).release(Element).build().perform();
Report.updateTestLog(Action, "releaseElement action is done", Status.DONE);
} else {
throw new ElementException(ElementException.ExceptionType.Element_Not_Enabled, ObjectName);
Description: This function is used to take screenshot of the current page and store it in the input location.
Input Format : @Expected filepath
ObjectName | Action | Input | Condition | Reference | |
MOBILE | saveScreenshot |
@value | |||
MOBILE | saveScreenshot |
Sheet:Column | |||
MOBILE | saveScreenshot |
%dynamicVar% |
@Action(object = ObjectType.MOBILE, desc = "Take screenshot of the current page and store it in the location [<Input>]", input = InputType.YES)
public void saveScreenshot() {
try {
String strFullpath = Data;
File scrFile = getDriverControl().createScreenShot();
FileUtils.copyFile(scrFile, new File(strFullpath));
Report.updateTestLog(Action, "Screenshot is taken and saved in this path -'" + strFullpath + "'",
} catch (IOException e) {
Report.updateTestLog(Action, e.getMessage(), Status.FAIL);
Logger.getLogger(CommonMethods.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, e);