ByLabel Actions
Description: This function is used store the element expected text into the runtime variable.
Input Format : @Expected Text
ObjectName | Action | Input | Condition | Reference | |
APP | storeText |
@value | |||
APP | storeText |
Sheet:Column | |||
APP | storeText |
%dynamicVar% |
@Action(object = ObjectType.APP, desc = "Store the [<Object>] element's text into the Runtime variable: [<Data>]", input = InputType.YES)
public void storeText() {
if (elementPresent()) {
String strObj = Input;
if (strObj.startsWith("%") && strObj.endsWith("%")) {
addVar(strObj, getElementText());
Report.updateTestLog(Action, "Element text " + getElementText() + " is stored in variable " + strObj,
} else {
Report.updateTestLog(Action, "Invalid variable format", Status.DEBUG);
} else {
throw new ElementException(ExceptionType.Element_Not_Found, ObjectName);
Description: This function is used to store the element's text into datasheet.
Input Format : @Expected datasheet name:column name
ObjectName | Action | Input | Condition | Reference | |
APP | storeTextinDataSheet |
Sheet:Column |
Note: Ensure that your data sheet doesn't contain column names with spaces.
@Action(object = ObjectType.APP, desc = "Store the [<Object>] element's text into datasheet:columname [<Data>]", input = InputType.YES)
public void storeTextinDataSheet() {
if (elementPresent()) {
String strObj = Input;
if (strObj.matches(".*:.*")) {
try {
System.out.println("Updating value in SubIteration " + userData.getSubIteration());
String sheetName = strObj.split(":", 2)[0];
String columnName = strObj.split(":", 2)[1];
String elText = getElementText();
userData.putData(sheetName, columnName, elText.trim());
Report.updateTestLog(Action, "Element text [" + elText + "] is stored in " + strObj, Status.DONE);
} catch (Exception ex) {
Logger.getLogger(this.getClass().getName()).log(Level.OFF, ex.getMessage(), ex);
Report.updateTestLog(Action, "Error Storing text in datasheet " + ex.getMessage(), Status.DEBUG);
} else {
"Given input [" + Input + "] format is invalid. It should be [sheetName:ColumnName]",
} else {
throw new ElementException(ExceptionType.Element_Not_Found, ObjectName);
Description: This function is to store in variable true or false based on presence of text.
Input Format : @Expected element text
Condition Format: true or false
ObjectName | Action | Input | Condition | Reference | |
APP | storeTextPresent |
@value | true or false | ||
APP | storeTextPresent |
Sheet:Column | true or false | ||
APP | storeTextPresent |
%dynamicVar% | true or false |
@Action(object = ObjectType.APP, desc = "Store in variable true or false based on presence of text in [<Object>] element -> [<Data>]", input = InputType.YES, condition = InputType.YES)
public void storeTextPresent() {
try {
if (elementPresent()) {
if (getElementText().contains(Data)) {
addVar(Condition, "true");
} else {
addVar(Condition, "false");
Report.updateTestLog(Action, "Element presence flag has been stored into variable", Status.DONE);
} else {
throw new ElementException(ExceptionType.Element_Not_Found, ObjectName);
} catch (Exception ex) {
Logger.getLogger(this.getClass().getName()).log(Level.OFF, ex.getMessage(), ex);
Report.updateTestLog(Action, ex.getMessage(), Status.FAIL);
Description: This function is used store element selection state into runtime variable.
Input Format : @Expected Text
ObjectName | Action | Input | Condition | Reference | |
APP | storeElementSelected |
@value | |||
APP | storeElementSelected |
Sheet:Column | |||
APP | storeElementSelected |
%dynamicVar% |
@Action(object = ObjectType.APP, desc = "Store [<Object>] element selection state into Runtime variable: -> [<Data>]", input = InputType.YES)
public void storeElementSelected() {
if (elementPresent()) {
String strObj = Input;
if (strObj.startsWith("%") && strObj.endsWith("%")) {
if (Element.isSelected()) {
addVar(strObj, "true");
} else {
addVar(strObj, "false");
Report.updateTestLog(Action, "Element selected flag has been stored into variable '" + strObj + "'",
} else {
Report.updateTestLog(Action, "Variable format is not correct", Status.DEBUG);
} else {
throw new ElementException(ExceptionType.Element_Not_Found, ObjectName);
Description: This function is used to store element's attribute into runtime variable.
Input Format : @Expected text
Condition Format: variable name
ObjectName | Action | Input | Condition | Reference | |
APP | storeElementAttribute |
@value | |||
APP | storeElementAttribute |
Sheet:Column | |||
APP | storeElementAttribute |
%dynamicVar% |
@Action(object = ObjectType.APP, desc = "Store [<Object>] element's attribute into Runtime variable -> [<Data>]", input = InputType.YES, condition = InputType.YES)
public void storeElementAttribute() {
if (elementPresent()) {
addVar(Condition, Element.getAttribute(Data));
Report.updateTestLog(Action, "Element's attribute value is stored in variable", Status.PASS);
} else {
throw new ElementException(ExceptionType.Element_Not_Found, ObjectName);
Description: This function is used store element's value into runtime variable.
Input Format : @Expected Text
ObjectName | Action | Input | Condition | Reference | |
APP | storeElementValue |
@value | |||
APP | storeElementValue |
Sheet:Column | |||
APP | storeElementValue |
%dynamicVar% |
@Action(object = ObjectType.APP, desc = "Store [<Object>] element's value into Runtime variable: -> [<Data>]", input = InputType.YES)
public void storeElementValue() {
if (elementPresent()) {
String strObj = Input;
if (strObj.startsWith("%") && strObj.endsWith("%")) {
addVar(strObj, Element.getAttribute("value"));
"Element's value " + Element.getAttribute("value") + " is stored in variable '" + strObj + "'",
} else {
Report.updateTestLog(Action, "Variable format is not correct", Status.DEBUG);
} else {
throw new ElementException(ExceptionType.Element_Not_Found, ObjectName);
Description: This function is used store exist or not exist based on the alert presence.
Input Format : @Expected Text
ObjectName | Action | Input | Condition | Reference | |
MOBILE | storeAlertPresent |
@value | |||
MOBILE | storeAlertPresent |
Sheet:Column | |||
MOBILE | storeAlertPresent |
%dynamicVar% |
@Action(object = ObjectType.MOBILE, desc = "Store \"Exist\" or \"Not Exist\" based on the alert presence into -> [<Data>] Runtime variable", input = InputType.YES)
public void storeAlertPresent() {
String strObj = Input;
if (strObj.startsWith("%") && strObj.endsWith("%")) {
if (isAlertPresent(mDriver)) {
addVar(strObj, "Exist");
} else {
addVar(strObj, "Not Exist");
Report.updateTestLog(Action, "Alert Text Status Stored", Status.DONE);
} else {
Report.updateTestLog(Action, "Variable format is not correct", Status.DEBUG);