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WaitFor Actions


Description: This function will wait for alert to be present

ObjectName Action Input Condition Reference
Mobile 🟢 waitForAlertPresent
@Action(object = ObjectType.MOBILE, desc = "Wait for alert to be present ", condition = InputType.OPTIONAL)
public void waitForAlertPresent() {
            "Alert popped up in stipulated time");


Description: This function will wait for element to be visible

ObjectName Action Input Condition Reference
mobileObject 🟢 waitForAppElementToBeVisible PageName
@Action(object = ObjectType.APP, desc = "Wait for [<Object>] to be visible ", condition = InputType.OPTIONAL)
public void waitForAppElementToBeVisible() {
    waitForElement(WaitType.VISIBLE, "'"
            + this.ObjectName
            + "' Element becomes visible in stipulated time");


Description: This function will wait for element to be invisible

ObjectName Action Input Condition Reference
mobileObject 🟢 waitForElementToBeInVisible PageName
@Action(object = ObjectType.APP, desc = "Wait for [<Object>] to be invisible ", condition = InputType.OPTIONAL)
public void waitForElementToBeInVisible() {
    waitForElement(WaitType.INVISIBLE, "'"
            + this.ObjectName
            + "' Element becomes invisible in stipulated time");


Description: This function will wait for element to be tapable

ObjectName Action Input Condition Reference
mobileObject 🟢 waitForElementToBeTapable PageName
@Action(object = ObjectType.APP, desc = "Wait for [<Object>] to be Tapable ", condition = InputType.OPTIONAL)
public void waitForElementToBeTapable() {
    waitForElement(WaitType.CLICKABLE, "'"
            + this.ObjectName
            + "' Element becomes Tapable in stipulated time");


Description: This function will wait for element to be selected

ObjectName Action Input Condition Reference
mobileObject 🟢 waitForElementToBeSelected PageName
@Action(object = ObjectType.APP, desc = "Wait for [<Object>] to be selected ", condition = InputType.OPTIONAL)
public void waitForElementToBeSelected() {
    waitForElement(WaitType.SELECTED, "'"
            + this.ObjectName
            + "' Element Selected in stipulated time");


Description: This function will wait for element to contain text

ObjectName Action Input Condition Reference
mobileObject 🟢 waitForElementToContainText PageName
@Action(object = ObjectType.APP, desc = "Wait for element: [<Object>] to contain text [<Data>]", condition = InputType.OPTIONAL, input = InputType.YES)
public void waitForElementToContainText() {
    waitForElement(WaitType.TEXT_CONTAINS, "'"
            + this.ObjectName + "' Element contained the text: "
            + Data + " in stipulated Time");


Description: This function will wait for element to contain value

ObjectName Action Input Condition Reference
mobileObject 🟢 waitForElementToContainValue PageName
@Action(object = ObjectType.APP, desc = "Wait for [<Object>] element to contain value: [<Data>]", condition = InputType.OPTIONAL, input = InputType.YES)
public void waitForElementToContainValue() {
    waitForElement(WaitType.VALUE_CONTAINS, "'"
            + this.ObjectName + "' Element contained the value: "
            + Data + " in stipulated Time");


Description: This function will wait for element to be selected

ObjectName Action Input Condition Reference
mobileObject 🟢 waitForElementSelectionToBeTrue PageName
@Action(object = ObjectType.APP, desc = "Wait for [<Object>] element to be selected: [<Data>]", condition = InputType.OPTIONAL)
public void waitForElementSelectionToBeTrue() {
    waitForElement(WaitType.EL_SELECT_TRUE, "'"
            + this.ObjectName
            + "' Element got Selected in the stipulated time");


Description: This function will wait for element to be deselected

ObjectName Action Input Condition Reference
mobileObject 🟢 waitForElementSelectionToBeFalse PageName
@Action(object = ObjectType.APP, desc = "Wait for [<Object>] element to be deselected", condition = InputType.OPTIONAL)
public void waitForElementSelectionToBeFalse() {
    waitForElement(WaitType.EL_SELECT_FALSE, "'"
            + this.ObjectName
            + "' Element got Deselected in the stipulated time");


Description: This function will wait for page's title to match value given in Input column

ObjectName Action Input Condition Reference
Mobile 🟢 waitForTitleToBe @Data << Hardcoded Input
Mobile 🟢 waitForTitleToBe DatasheetName:ColumnName << Input from Datasheet
Mobile 🟢 waitForTitleToBe %variableName% <<Input from variable
@Action(object = ObjectType.MOBILE, desc = "Wait for page's title to be [<Data>]", input = InputType.YES, condition = InputType.OPTIONAL)
public void waitForTitleToBe() {
            "Title Equals '"
            + Data + "' in stipulated Time");


Description: This function will wait for page's title to contain value given in Input column

ObjectName Action Input Condition Reference
Mobile 🟢 waitForTitleToContain @Data << Hardcoded Input
Mobile 🟢 waitForTitleToContain DatasheetName:ColumnName << Input from Datasheet
Mobile 🟢 waitForTitleToContain %variableName% <<Input from variable
@Action(object = ObjectType.MOBILE, desc = "Wait for page's title to contain [<Data>]", condition = InputType.OPTIONAL, input = InputType.YES)
public void waitForTitleToContain() {
            "Title Contains the value '"
            + Data + "' in stipulated Time");


Description: This function will wait for element to be present

ObjectName Action Input Condition Reference
mobileObject 🟢 waitForElementToBePresent PageName
@Action(object = ObjectType.APP, desc = "Wait  for the element [<Object>] to be present", condition = InputType.OPTIONAL)
public void waitForElementToBePresent() {
    try {
        Element = mObject.findElement(ObjectName, Reference);
        if (Element != null) {
            Report.updateTestLog(Action, "'" + this.ObjectName
                    + "' Element Present in the stipulated time", Status.PASS);
        } else {
            throw new ElementException(ElementException.ExceptionType.Element_Not_Found, ObjectName);

    } catch (Exception ex) {
        Logger.getLogger(this.getClass().getName()).log(Level.OFF, null, ex);
        throw new ForcedException(Action,


Description: This function will wait for frame to be available and switch to it

ObjectName Action Input Condition Reference
mobileObject 🟢 waitForFrameAndSwitch @Data PageName << Hardcoded Input
mobileObject 🟢 waitForFrameAndSwitch DatasheetName:ColumnName PageName << Input from Datasheet
mobileObject 🟢 waitForFrameAndSwitch %variableName% PageName <<Input from variable
@Action(object = ObjectType.APP, desc = "Wait for Frame To Be Available and Switch to it", input = InputType.OPTIONAL,
        condition = InputType.OPTIONAL)
public void waitForFrameAndSwitch() {
    if (Element != null) {
        waitFor(WaitType.FRAME_EL, "Switched to Frame By Object '"
                + ObjectName + "' in stipulated Time");
    } else if (Data != null) {
        if (Data.matches("[0-9]+")) {
            waitFor(WaitType.FRAME_IND, "Switched to Frame By Index '"
                    + Data + "' in stipulated Time");
        } else {
            waitFor(WaitType.FRAME_STR, "Switched to Frame By Value '"
                    + Data + "' in stipulated Time");