Negative Assertions
Description: This function will assert if the Element's text
does not contain the expected text
Input Format : @Expected Text
Condition Format : (Optional) Timeout Value (in ms)
ObjectName | Action | Input | Condition (Optional) |
Reference | |
Object | assertElementNotContainsText |
@value | optional timeout in milliseconds |
PageName | |
Object | assertElementNotContainsText |
Sheet:Column | optional timeout in milliseconds |
PageName | |
Object | assertElementNotContainsText |
%dynamicVar% | optional timeout in milliseconds |
PageName |
Inputs in the Input column can be either hardcoded
(in this case the data is preceded by a "@"), passed from the data sheet (datasheet name : column name
) or passed from a variable value (%variable name%
), as given in the above example.
@Action(object = ObjectType.PLAYWRIGHT, desc = "Assert if [<Object>] contains the text [<Data>]", input = InputType.YES)
public void assertElementNotContainsText() {
String text = "";
try {
LocatorAssertions.ContainsTextOptions options = new LocatorAssertions.ContainsTextOptions();
assertThat(Locator).not().containsText(Data, options);
text = Locator.textContent();
Report.updateTestLog(Action, "Element [" + ObjectName + "] dos not contain text '" + Data + "'. Actual text is '" + text + "'", Status.PASS);
} catch (PlaywrightException e) {
} catch (AssertionFailedError err) {
assertionLogging(err, "[" + ObjectName + "] does not contain text '" + Data + "'");
Description: This function will assert if the Element does not have the expected attribute.
Input Format : @Expected Text
Condition Format : (Optional) Timeout Value (in ms)
ObjectName | Action | Input | Condition (Optional) |
Reference | |
Object | assertElementAttributeNotMatches |
@value | optional timeout in milliseconds |
PageName | |
Object | assertElementAttributeNotMatches |
Sheet:Column | optional timeout in milliseconds |
PageName | |
Object | assertElementAttributeNotMatches |
%dynamicVar% | optional timeout in milliseconds |
PageName |
Inputs in the Input column can be either hardcoded
(in this case the data is preceded by a "@"), passed from the data sheet (datasheet name : column name
) or passed from a variable value (%variable name%
), as given in the above example.
@Action(object = ObjectType.PLAYWRIGHT, desc = "Assert if [<Object>] does not have attribute [<Data>]", input = InputType.YES)
public void assertElementAttributeNotMatches() {
String attributeName = Data.split("=")[0];
String attributeValue = Data.split("=")[1];
String actualAttributeValue = "";
try {
LocatorAssertions.HasAttributeOptions options = new LocatorAssertions.HasAttributeOptions();
assertThat(Locator).not().hasAttribute(attributeName, attributeValue, options);
actualAttributeValue = Locator.getAttribute(attributeName);
Report.updateTestLog(Action, "Element [" + ObjectName + "] does not have attribute '" + attributeName + "' with value '" + attributeValue + "'. Actual value is '" + actualAttributeValue + "'", Status.PASS);
} catch (PlaywrightException e) {
} catch (AssertionFailedError err) {
assertionLogging(err, "[" + ObjectName + "] has attribute '" + attributeName + " = " + actualAttributeValue + "'");
Description: This function will assert if the Element does not match the expected class.
Input Format : @Expected Text
Condition Format : (Optional) Timeout Value (in ms)
ObjectName | Action | Input | Condition (Optional) |
Reference | |
Object | assertElementClassNotMatches |
@value | optional timeout in milliseconds |
PageName | |
Object | assertElementClassNotMatches |
Sheet:Column | optional timeout in milliseconds |
PageName | |
Object | assertElementClassNotMatches |
%dynamicVar% | optional timeout in milliseconds |
PageName |
Inputs in the Input column can be either hardcoded
(in this case the data is preceded by a "@"), passed from the data sheet (datasheet name : column name
) or passed from a variable value (%variable name%
), as given in the above example.
@Action(object = ObjectType.PLAYWRIGHT, desc = "Assert if [<Object>] does not have class [<Data>]", input = InputType.YES)
public void assertElementClassNotMatches() {
String actualClassValue = "";
try {
LocatorAssertions.HasClassOptions options = new LocatorAssertions.HasClassOptions();
assertThat(Locator).not().hasClass(Pattern.compile(Data), options);
actualClassValue = Locator.getAttribute("class");
Report.updateTestLog(Action, "[" + ObjectName + "] does not have 'class' matching '" + Data + "'. Actual value is '" + actualClassValue + "'", Status.PASS);
} catch (PlaywrightException e) {
} catch (AssertionFailedError err) {
assertionLogging(err, "[" + ObjectName + "] has 'class' matching '" + Data + "'");
Description: This function will assert if the count of Element does not match the expected count
Input Format : @Expected Text
Condition Format : (Optional) Timeout Value (in ms)
ObjectName | Action | Input | Condition (Optional) |
Reference | |
Object | assertElementCountNotMatches |
@value | optional timeout in milliseconds |
PageName | |
Object | assertElementCountNotMatches |
Sheet:Column | optional timeout in milliseconds |
PageName | |
Object | assertElementCountNotMatches |
%dynamicVar% | optional timeout in milliseconds |
PageName |
Inputs in the Input column can be either hardcoded
(in this case the data is preceded by a "@"), passed from the data sheet (datasheet name : column name
) or passed from a variable value (%variable name%
), as given in the above example.
@Action(object = ObjectType.PLAYWRIGHT, desc = "Assert if count of [<Object>] does not equal [<Data>]", input = InputType.YES)
public void assertElementCountNotMatches() {
int elementCount = 0;
try {
LocatorAssertions.HasCountOptions options = new LocatorAssertions.HasCountOptions();
assertThat(Locator).not().hasCount(Integer.parseInt(Data), options);
elementCount = Locator.count();
Report.updateTestLog(Action, "[" + ObjectName + "] count does not match '" + Data + "'. Actual count is +'" + elementCount + "'", Status.PASS);
} catch (PlaywrightException e) {
} catch (AssertionFailedError err) {
assertionLogging(err, "[" + ObjectName + "] count matches '" + Data + "'");
Description: This function will assert if the Element does not have the expected CSS attribute
Input Format : @Expected Text
Condition Format : (Optional) Timeout Value (in ms)
ObjectName | Action | Input | Condition (Optional) |
Reference | |
Object | assertElementCSSNotMatches |
@value | optional timeout in milliseconds |
PageName | |
Object | assertElementCSSNotMatches |
Sheet:Column | optional timeout in milliseconds |
PageName | |
Object | assertElementCSSNotMatches |
%dynamicVar% | optional timeout in milliseconds |
PageName |
Inputs in the Input column can be either hardcoded
(in this case the data is preceded by a "@"), passed from the data sheet (datasheet name : column name
) or passed from a variable value (%variable name%
), as given in the above example.
@Action(object = ObjectType.PLAYWRIGHT, desc = "Assert if [<Object>] does not have the CSS [<Data>]", input = InputType.YES)
public void assertElementCSSNotMatches() {
String attributeName = Data.split("=")[0];
String attributeValue = Data.split("=")[1];
String value = "";
try {
LocatorAssertions.HasCSSOptions options = new LocatorAssertions.HasCSSOptions();
assertThat(Locator).not().hasCSS(attributeName, attributeValue, options);
value = (String) Locator.evaluate("(element) => window.getComputetStyle(element).getPropertyValue(" + attributeName + ")");
Report.updateTestLog(Action, "[" + ObjectName + "] does not have CSS attribute '" + attributeName + "' with value '" + attributeValue + "'. Actual value is '" + value + "'", Status.PASS);
} catch (PlaywrightException e) {
} catch (AssertionFailedError err) {
assertionLogging(err, "[" + ObjectName + "] has CSS attribute '" + attributeName + "' with value '" + attributeValue + "'");
Description: This function will assert if the Element does not have the expected ID
Input Format : @Expected Text
Condition Format : (Optional) Timeout Value (in ms)
ObjectName | Action | Input | Condition (Optional) |
Reference | |
Object | assertElementIdNotMatches |
@value | optional timeout in milliseconds |
PageName | |
Object | assertElementIdNotMatches |
Sheet:Column | optional timeout in milliseconds |
PageName | |
Object | assertElementIdNotMatches |
%dynamicVar% | optional timeout in milliseconds |
PageName |
Inputs in the Input column can be either hardcoded
(in this case the data is preceded by a "@"), passed from the data sheet (datasheet name : column name
) or passed from a variable value (%variable name%
), as given in the above example.
@Action(object = ObjectType.PLAYWRIGHT, desc = "Assert if [<Object>] does not have ID [<Data>]", input = InputType.YES)
public void assertElementIdNotMatches() {
String actualIdValue = "";
try {
LocatorAssertions.HasIdOptions options = new LocatorAssertions.HasIdOptions();
assertThat(Locator).not().hasId(Pattern.compile(Data), options);
actualIdValue = Locator.getAttribute("id");
Report.updateTestLog(Action, "[" + ObjectName + "] does not have 'ID' matching '" + Data + "'. Actual value is '" + actualIdValue + "'", Status.PASS);
} catch (PlaywrightException e) {
} catch (AssertionFailedError err) {
assertionLogging(err, "[" + ObjectName + "] has 'ID' matching '" + Data + "'");
Description: This function will assert if the Element does not have the expected JS Property attribute
Input Format : @Expected Text
Condition Format : (Optional) Timeout Value (in ms)
ObjectName | Action | Input | Condition (Optional) |
Reference | |
Object | assertElementJSPropertyNotMatches |
@value | optional timeout in milliseconds |
PageName | |
Object | assertElementJSPropertyNotMatches |
Sheet:Column | optional timeout in milliseconds |
PageName | |
Object | assertElementJSPropertyNotMatches |
%dynamicVar% | optional timeout in milliseconds |
PageName |
Inputs in the Input column can be either hardcoded
(in this case the data is preceded by a "@"), passed from the data sheet (datasheet name : column name
) or passed from a variable value (%variable name%
), as given in the above example.
@Action(object = ObjectType.PLAYWRIGHT, desc = "Assert if [<Object>] does not have JS Property [<Data>]", input = InputType.YES)
public void assertElementJSPropertyNotMatches() {
String attributeName = Data.split("=")[0];
String attributeValue = Data.split("=")[1];
try {
LocatorAssertions.HasJSPropertyOptions options = new LocatorAssertions.HasJSPropertyOptions();
assertThat(Locator).not().hasJSProperty(attributeName, attributeValue, options);
Report.updateTestLog(Action, "[" + ObjectName + "] does not have JS Property attribute '" + attributeName + "' with value '" + attributeValue + "'", Status.PASS);
} catch (PlaywrightException e) {
} catch (AssertionFailedError err) {
assertionLogging(err, "[" + ObjectName + "] has JS Property attribute '" + attributeName + "' with value '" + attributeValue + "'");
Description: This function will assert if the Element's Role
does not match the expected value
Input Format : @Expected Role
Condition Format : (Optional) Timeout Value (in ms)
ObjectName | Action | Input | Condition (Optional) |
Reference | |
Object | assertElementRoleNotMatches |
@value | optional timeout in milliseconds |
PageName | |
Object | assertElementRoleNotMatches |
Sheet:Column | optional timeout in milliseconds |
PageName | |
Object | assertElementRoleNotMatches |
%dynamicVar% | optional timeout in milliseconds |
PageName |
Inputs in the Input column can be either hardcoded
(in this case the data is preceded by a "@"), passed from the data sheet (datasheet name : column name
) or passed from a variable value (%variable name%
), as given in the above example.
@Action(object = ObjectType.PLAYWRIGHT, desc = "Assert if [<Object>] does not have text [<Data>]", input = InputType.YES)
public void assertElementTextNotMatches() {
String text = "";
try {
text = Locator.textContent();
Report.updateTestLog(Action, "[" + ObjectName + "] does not have text '" + Data + "'. Actual text is '" + text + "'", Status.PASS);
} catch (PlaywrightException e) {
} catch (AssertionFailedError err) {
assertionLogging(err, "[" + ObjectName + "] has text '" + Data + "'");
Description: This function will assert if the Element's text
does not match the expected text
Input Format : @Expected Text
Condition Format : (Optional) Timeout Value (in ms)
ObjectName | Action | Input | Condition (Optional) |
Reference | |
Object | assertElementTextNotMatches |
@value | optional timeout in milliseconds |
PageName | |
Object | assertElementTextNotMatches |
Sheet:Column | optional timeout in milliseconds |
PageName | |
Object | assertElementTextNotMatches |
%dynamicVar% | optional timeout in milliseconds |
PageName |
Inputs in the Input column can be either hardcoded
(in this case the data is preceded by a "@"), passed from the data sheet (datasheet name : column name
) or passed from a variable value (%variable name%
), as given in the above example.
@Action(object = ObjectType.PLAYWRIGHT, desc = "Assert if [<Object>] does not have text [<Data>]", input = InputType.YES)
public void assertElementTextNotMatches() {
String text = "";
try {
LocatorAssertions.HasTextOptions options = new LocatorAssertions.HasTextOptions();
assertThat(Locator).not().hasText(Pattern.compile(Data), options);
text = Locator.textContent();
Report.updateTestLog(Action, "[" + ObjectName + "] does not have text '" + Data + "'. Actual text is '" + text + "'", Status.PASS);
} catch (PlaywrightException e) {
} catch (AssertionFailedError err) {
assertionLogging(err, "[" + ObjectName + "] has text '" + Data + "'");
Description: This function will assert if the Element's value
does not match the expected value
Input Format : @Expected Text
Condition Format : (Optional) Timeout Value (in ms)
ObjectName | Action | Input | Condition (Optional) |
Reference | |
Object | assertElementValueNotMatches |
@value | optional timeout in milliseconds |
PageName | |
Object | assertElementValueNotMatches |
Sheet:Column | optional timeout in milliseconds |
PageName | |
Object | assertElementValueNotMatches |
%dynamicVar% | optional timeout in milliseconds |
PageName |
Inputs in the Input column can be either hardcoded
(in this case the data is preceded by a "@"), passed from the data sheet (datasheet name : column name
) or passed from a variable value (%variable name%
), as given in the above example.
@Action(object = ObjectType.PLAYWRIGHT, desc = "Assert if [<Object>] does not value [<Data>]", input = InputType.YES)
public void assertElementValueNotMatches() {
String value = "";
try {
LocatorAssertions.HasValueOptions options = new LocatorAssertions.HasValueOptions();
assertThat(Locator).not().hasValue(Pattern.compile(Data), options);
value = Locator.getAttribute("value");
Report.updateTestLog(Action, "[" + ObjectName + "] does not have value '" + Data + "'. Actual value is '" + value + "'", Status.PASS);
} catch (PlaywrightException e) {
} catch (AssertionFailedError err) {
assertionLogging(err, "[" + ObjectName + "] has value '" + Data + "'");
Description: This function will assert if the Element's values
does not match the expected values
Input Format : @Expected Text
Condition Format : (Optional) Timeout Value (in ms)
ObjectName | Action | Input | Condition (Optional) |
Reference | |
Object | assertElementValuesNotMatch |
@value | optional timeout in milliseconds |
PageName | |
Object | assertElementValuesNotMatch |
Sheet:Column | optional timeout in milliseconds |
PageName | |
Object | assertElementValuesNotMatch |
%dynamicVar% | optional timeout in milliseconds |
PageName |
Inputs in the Input column can be either hardcoded
(in this case the data is preceded by a "@"), passed from the data sheet (datasheet name : column name
) or passed from a variable value (%variable name%
), as given in the above example.
@Action(object = ObjectType.PLAYWRIGHT, desc = "Assert if [<Object>] does not have values [<Data>]", input = InputType.YES)
public void assertElementValuesNotMatch() {
try {
LocatorAssertions.HasValuesOptions options = new LocatorAssertions.HasValuesOptions();
String values[] = Data.split("=");
Pattern[] pattern = new Pattern[values.length];
for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
pattern[i] = Pattern.compile(values[i]);
assertThat(Locator).not().hasValues(pattern, options);
Report.updateTestLog(Action, "[" + ObjectName + "] does not have values '" + Data + "'", Status.PASS);
} catch (PlaywrightException e) {
} catch (AssertionFailedError err) {
assertionLogging(err, "[" + ObjectName + "] has values '" + Data + "'");
Description: This function will assert if the Element is not attached to the DOM
Condition Format : (Optional) Timeout Value (in ms)
ObjectName | Action | Input | Condition (Optional) |
Reference | |
Object | assertElementIsNotAttached |
optional timeout in milliseconds |
PageName | ||
Object | assertElementIsNotAttached |
optional timeout in milliseconds |
PageName | ||
Object | assertElementIsNotAttached |
optional timeout in milliseconds |
PageName |
@Action(object = ObjectType.PLAYWRIGHT, desc = "Assert if [<Object>] does not point to an attached DOM node")
public void assertElementIsNotAttached() {
try {
LocatorAssertions.IsAttachedOptions options = new LocatorAssertions.IsAttachedOptions();
Report.updateTestLog(Action, "[" + ObjectName + "] is not attached to the DOM", Status.PASS);
} catch (PlaywrightException e) {
} catch (AssertionFailedError err) {
assertionLogging(err, "[" + ObjectName + "] is attached to the DOM");
Description: This function will assert if the Element is not checked.
Condition Format : (Optional) Timeout Value (in ms)
ObjectName | Action | Input | Condition (Optional) |
Reference | |
Object | assertElementIsNotChecked |
optional timeout in milliseconds |
PageName | ||
Object | assertElementIsNotChecked |
optional timeout in milliseconds |
PageName | ||
Object | assertElementIsNotChecked |
optional timeout in milliseconds |
PageName |
@Action(object = ObjectType.PLAYWRIGHT, desc = "Assert if [<Object>] is not checked")
public void assertElementIsNotChecked() {
try {
LocatorAssertions.IsCheckedOptions options = new LocatorAssertions.IsCheckedOptions();
Report.updateTestLog(Action, "[" + ObjectName + "] is not checked", Status.PASS);
} catch (PlaywrightException e) {
} catch (AssertionFailedError err) {
assertionLogging(err, "[" + ObjectName + "] is checked");
Description: This function will assert if the Element is not disabled.
Condition Format : (Optional) Timeout Value (in ms)
ObjectName | Action | Input | Condition (Optional) |
Reference | |
Object | assertElementIsNotDisabled |
optional timeout in milliseconds |
PageName | ||
Object | assertElementIsNotDisabled |
optional timeout in milliseconds |
PageName | ||
Object | assertElementIsNotDisabled |
optional timeout in milliseconds |
PageName |
@Action(object = ObjectType.PLAYWRIGHT, desc = "Assert if [<Object>] is not disabled")
public void assertElementIsNotDisabled() {
try {
LocatorAssertions.IsDisabledOptions options = new LocatorAssertions.IsDisabledOptions();
Report.updateTestLog(Action, "[" + ObjectName + "] is not disabled", Status.PASS);
} catch (PlaywrightException e) {
} catch (AssertionFailedError err) {
assertionLogging(err, "[" + ObjectName + "] is disabled");
Description: This function will assert if the Element is not editable.
Condition Format : (Optional) Timeout Value (in ms)
ObjectName | Action | Input | Condition (Optional) |
Reference | |
Object | assertElementIsNotEditable |
optional timeout in milliseconds |
PageName | ||
Object | assertElementIsNotEditable |
optional timeout in milliseconds |
PageName | ||
Object | assertElementIsNotEditable |
optional timeout in milliseconds |
PageName |
@Action(object = ObjectType.PLAYWRIGHT, desc = "Assert if [<Object>] is not editable")
public void assertElementIsNotEditable() {
try {
LocatorAssertions.IsEditableOptions options = new LocatorAssertions.IsEditableOptions();
Report.updateTestLog(Action, "[" + ObjectName + "] is not editable", Status.PASS);
} catch (PlaywrightException e) {
} catch (AssertionFailedError err) {
assertionLogging(err, "[" + ObjectName + "] is editable");
Description: This function will assert if the Element is not empty.
Condition Format : (Optional) Timeout Value (in ms)
ObjectName | Action | Input | Condition (Optional) |
Reference | |
Object | assertElementIsNotEmpty |
optional timeout in milliseconds |
PageName | ||
Object | assertElementIsNotEmpty |
optional timeout in milliseconds |
PageName | ||
Object | assertElementIsNotEmpty |
optional timeout in milliseconds |
PageName |
@Action(object = ObjectType.PLAYWRIGHT, desc = "Assert if [<Object>] is not empty")
public void assertElementIsNotEmpty() {
try {
LocatorAssertions.IsEmptyOptions options = new LocatorAssertions.IsEmptyOptions();
Report.updateTestLog(Action, "[" + ObjectName + "] is not empty", Status.PASS);
} catch (PlaywrightException e) {
} catch (AssertionFailedError err) {
assertionLogging(err, "[" + ObjectName + "] is empty");
Description: This function will assert if the Element is not enabled.
Condition Format : (Optional) Timeout Value (in ms)
ObjectName | Action | Input | Condition (Optional) |
Reference | |
Object | assertElementIsNotEnabled |
optional timeout in milliseconds |
PageName | ||
Object | assertElementIsNotEnabled |
optional timeout in milliseconds |
PageName | ||
Object | assertElementIsNotEnabled |
optional timeout in milliseconds |
PageName |
@Action(object = ObjectType.PLAYWRIGHT, desc = "Assert if [<Object>] is not enabled")
public void assertElementIsNotEnabled() {
try {
LocatorAssertions.IsEnabledOptions options = new LocatorAssertions.IsEnabledOptions();
Report.updateTestLog(Action, "[" + ObjectName + "] is not enabled", Status.PASS);
} catch (PlaywrightException e) {
} catch (AssertionFailedError err) {
assertionLogging(err, "[" + ObjectName + "] is enabled");
Description: This function will assert if the Element is not focused.
Condition Format : (Optional) Timeout Value (in ms)
ObjectName | Action | Input | Condition (Optional) |
Reference | |
Object | assertElementIsNotFocused |
optional timeout in milliseconds |
PageName | ||
Object | assertElementIsNotFocused |
optional timeout in milliseconds |
PageName | ||
Object | assertElementIsNotFocused |
optional timeout in milliseconds |
PageName |
Inputs in the Input column can be either hardcoded
(in this case the data is preceded by a "@"), passed from the data sheet (datasheet name : column name
) or passed from a variable value (%variable name%
), as given in the above example.
@Action(object = ObjectType.PLAYWRIGHT, desc = "Assert if [<Object>] is not focused")
public void assertElementIsNotFocused() {
try {
LocatorAssertions.IsFocusedOptions options = new LocatorAssertions.IsFocusedOptions();
Report.updateTestLog(Action, "[" + ObjectName + "] is not focused", Status.PASS);
} catch (PlaywrightException e) {
} catch (AssertionFailedError err) {
assertionLogging(err, "[" + ObjectName + "] is focused");
Description: This function will assert if the Element is not hidden.
Condition Format : (Optional) Timeout Value (in ms)
ObjectName | Action | Input | Condition (Optional) |
Reference | |
Object | assertElementIsNotHidden |
optional timeout in milliseconds |
PageName | ||
Object | assertElementIsNotHidden |
optional timeout in milliseconds |
PageName | ||
Object | assertElementIsNotHidden |
optional timeout in milliseconds |
PageName |
@Action(object = ObjectType.PLAYWRIGHT, desc = "Assert if [<Object>] is not hidden")
public void assertElementIsNotHidden() {
try {
LocatorAssertions.IsHiddenOptions options = new LocatorAssertions.IsHiddenOptions();
Report.updateTestLog(Action, "[" + ObjectName + "] is not hidden", Status.PASS);
} catch (PlaywrightException e) {
} catch (AssertionFailedError err) {
assertionLogging(err, "[" + ObjectName + "] is hidden");
Description: This function will assert if the Element is not in viewport.
Condition Format : (Optional) Timeout Value (in ms)
ObjectName | Action | Input | Condition (Optional) |
Reference | |
Object | assertElementIsNotInViewport |
optional timeout in milliseconds |
PageName | ||
Object | assertElementIsNotInViewport |
optional timeout in milliseconds |
PageName | ||
Object | assertElementIsNotInViewport |
optional timeout in milliseconds |
PageName |
@Action(object = ObjectType.PLAYWRIGHT, desc = "Assert if [<Object>] is not in viewport")
public void assertElementIsNotInViewport() {
try {
LocatorAssertions.IsInViewportOptions options = new LocatorAssertions.IsInViewportOptions();
Report.updateTestLog(Action, "[" + ObjectName + "] is not in viewport", Status.PASS);
} catch (PlaywrightException e) {
} catch (AssertionFailedError err) {
assertionLogging(err, "[" + ObjectName + "] is in viewport");
Description: This function will assert if the Element is not visible.
Condition Format : (Optional) Timeout Value (in ms)
ObjectName | Action | Input | Condition (Optional) |
Reference | |
Object | assertElementIsNotVisible |
optional timeout in milliseconds |
PageName | ||
Object | assertElementIsNotVisible |
optional timeout in milliseconds |
PageName | ||
Object | assertElementIsNotVisible |
optional timeout in milliseconds |
PageName |
@Action(object = ObjectType.PLAYWRIGHT, desc = "Assert if [<Object>] is not visible")
public void assertElementIsNotVisible() {
try {
LocatorAssertions.IsVisibleOptions options = new LocatorAssertions.IsVisibleOptions();
Report.updateTestLog(Action, "[" + ObjectName + "] is not visible", Status.PASS);
} catch (PlaywrightException e) {
} catch (AssertionFailedError err) {
assertionLogging(err, "[" + ObjectName + "] is visible");