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Unable To Open The Framework After Introducing Your Custom Method

Unable To Open The Framework After Introducing Your Custom Method

This happens when the ingenious-engine-.jar found in INGenious installation_location/lib, gets corrupted while exporting the ingenious-engine-.jar back from Engine or while inject script is performed. You might get an exception stating that main class not found.

To overcome this issue, always take a backup of the ingenious-engine-.jar before you export the jar from Engine. So even when the jar is corrupt you can still replace the existing jar by the new one. Also do not change the name of the ingenious-engine-.jar available inside the lib folder.

Another alternative is to delete the recent items file present in the installation location when INGenious is closed and open again.

Note: Please do not take the back up in the same location or inside the lib folder. Place it in a different location.

If you face this issue after performing inject script then delete the .class file of your custom method found in the userdefined folder of installation location and close and reopen.

Note: This could also be because the .jar files present in the location\lib\commands might have got corrupted. So you can simply remove those files to open INGenious.

How To Set Java Path Variable For INGenious

How To Set Java Path Variable For INGenious

It is possible to set the java path in the Run.bat for Windows or the Run.command for Mac or Linux. Refer the section below on how it can be done.


Following must be installed in your system:

  • INGenious setup

  • Java 11 and above

How to do it?

  • Navigate to the location where INGenious is installed in your system.

  • Right-click the Run batch file.

  • Click the edit option in the context menu.

  • Give the path of the jre location under the 'SET PATH' like this, SET PATH="C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.x.x_xx\jre\bin".

  • Save the file.

  • Double-click the Run.bat file and launch Application.

PKIX path building failed

PKIX path building failed

If you get a certification path error like this :

PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target

You need to add the certificate of the application whose APIs you are trying to test. This error can also come if the certificates of Global Selenium Grid is not added (in case of Web Testing using Selenium Grid)

To add the certificate follow the steps below :

a. Download the certificate. you can refer to these steps.

b. Create a folder called Security in your INGenious root instance.

c. Copy the existing Java cacerts file to this folder. Also copy the above downloaded certificate file to this location.

e. Using command prompt, navigate to this Security folder

d. Import the Trusted Root Certificate into your cacerts keystore, using following command :

<path/to/your>keytool -import -trustcacerts -keystore cacerts -storepass changeit -alias <logical_name_of_your_cert> -file your_certificate.crt

Example :

"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-11.0.2\bin\keytool" -import -trustcacerts -keystore cacerts -storepass changeit -alias testApp -file testApp.crt

e. Make sure in your INGenious Run.bat or/and Run.command file, the reference of the above cacerts is present.


@echo off
pushd %~dp0

rem For App to load lib from
SET APP_CLASSPATH=lib\*;lib\clib\*

IF "%~1" == "" (
start javaw -Xms128m -Xmx1024m -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8\cacerts -cp ingenious-ide-1.0.jar;%APP_CLASSPATH%; %*
) ELSE (
java -Xms128m -Xmx1024m -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -cp ingenious-ide-1.0.jar;%APP_CLASSPATH%; %*

Unable to launch INGenious, getting "Windows protected your PC" pop-up when clicking on Run.bat file in Windows

Unable to launch INGenious, getting "Windows protected your PC" pop-up when clicking on Run.bat file in Windows.

If you get the following pop-up when you click on Run.bat


Right click on Run.bat Properties Unblock Apply**

Browser not launching while running tests

Unable to launch Browser while running the automated test cases.

INGenious Playwright Studio, by default launches tests in headless mode. Try adding the following browser option :

Navigate to Configuration Select Browser Configuration Manage Browsers Capabilities/Options Add 'setHeadless' property with its value as 'False' Save


java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

Handle java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

While executing the test scripts, or while generating the BDD json reporter, sometimes the system throws java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space.

This happens because of the large number of test steps with screenshots. In order to handle it, modify the Run.bat and/or Run.command file to increase the Java contiguous memory allocation before startup.

So, here is an example of the corresponding Run.bat file.


Options to maximize the browser in Ingenious Playwright Studio

Different options to maximize the browser in Ingenious Playwright Studio

There are 2 options to maximize the browser.

  • Navigate to Configuration Select Browser Configuration Manage Browsers Capabilities/Options Add 'startMaximized' property with its value as 'true' Save


  • Navigate to Configuration Select Browser Configuration Manage Browsers Capabilities/Options Add 'setViewportSize' property with its value as width,height Save


NOTE: startMaximized and setViewportSize should not be set together at the same time.

Alternative for @AfterTest (TestNG) in INGenious Playwright Studio

Alternative for @AfterTest (TestNG) in INGenious Playwright Studio

In the package there is a class SummaryReport. In that class you have an empty method afterReportComplete() where you can add any code of your choice.

For example, if you want to generate any standalone HTML report or perform data clean up, you can add your code there.